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时间: 2024-09-21 03:01:17


1. The aggressive sales tactics of the company often turned potential customers away.


2. The aggressive dog barked and lunged at anyone who came near its territory.


3. She has a reputation for being aggressive in negotiations, always pushing for the best deal.


4. The aggressive expansion of the company led to its rapid growth in the market.


5. His aggressive behavior on the basketball court often led to confrontations with other players.


6. The aggressive advertising campaign helped to boost sales for the new product.


7. The aggressive driver cut off several other cars on the highway, causing a dangerous situation.


8. The aggressive language used by the politician during the debate alienated many voters.


9. The aggressive play of the team led to several penalties being called by the referee.


10. The aggressive response from the government to the protests only served to escalate the tensions.


11. 她的激进态度让她在职场上取得了很大的成功。

(Her aggressive attitude has led to great success in her career.)

12. 那个激进的公司策略导致了很多人的失业。

(The aggressive company strategy has led to many people losing their jobs.)

13. 他的激进行为使得他被赶出了比赛。

(His aggressive behavior got him kicked out of the game.)

14. 这个国家采取了激进的措施来解决环境问题。

(The country has taken aggressive measures to address environmental issues.)

15. 她的激进态度让她在商界取得了很大的成功。

(Her aggressive attitude has led to great success in the business world.)

16. 那个公司的激进市场策略给他们带来了很大的收益。

(The company's aggressive marketing strategy has brought them great profits.)

17. 他的激进言行导致了他与同事们的冲突。

(His aggressive words and actions have led to conflicts with his colleagues.)

18. 这部电影中有一些激进的暴力场面。

(The movie contains some aggressive violent scenes.)

19. 这只狗对陌生人表现得非常激进。

(This dog is very aggressive towards strangers.)

20. 这个政党的激进主张引起了很多争议。

(The party's aggressive stance has sparked a lot of controversy.)

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