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时间: 2024-09-21 02:52:26


1. The panda's natural habitat is the bamboo forest in China.(熊猫的自然栖息地是中国的竹林。)

2. The conservationists are working to protect the habitat of endangered species.(保护主义者正致力于保护濒临灭绝物种的栖息地。)

3. The desert is a harsh habitat for most forms of life.(沙漠是大多数生物的恶劣栖息地。)

4. The aquarium was designed to replicate the natural habitat of the fish.(水族馆被设计成模拟鱼类的自然栖息地。)

5. The destruction of the rainforest is threatening the habitat of many species.(热带雨林的破坏正在威胁着许多物种的栖息地。)

6. The zoo has recreated the natural habitat of the lions in their enclosure.(动物园在围栏内再现了狮子的自然栖息地。)

7. The organization is working to restore and protect the natural habitats of wildlife.(该组织正致力于恢复和保护野生动物的自然栖息地。)

8. The wetlands provide an important habitat for migratory birds.(湿地为候鸟提供了重要的栖息地。)

9. The city has been encroaching on the natural habitat of many species.(这个城市一直在侵占许多物种的自然栖息地。)

10. The polar bear's habitat is being threatened by climate change.(气候变化正在威胁北极熊的栖息地。)

11. 沙漠是大多数生物的恶劣栖息地。

12. 该组织正致力于恢复和保护野生动物的自然栖息地。

13. 湿地为候鸟提供了重要的栖息地。

14. 这个城市一直在侵占许多物种的自然栖息地。

15. 气候变化正在威胁北极熊的栖息地。

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