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时间: 2024-09-20 11:02:02



1. The doctor noted the patient's porcine features, such as a broad nose and small eyes. (医生注意到患者的猪样特征,如宽阔的鼻子和小眼睛。)

2. The writer described the politician's porcine behavior during the debate. (作家描述了辩论中政治家的猪一般的行为。)

3. Her porcine appetite was legendary among her friends. (她的猪一般的食欲在她的朋友中是出了名的。)

4. The porcine industry has seen significant growth in recent years. (近年来,养猪业有了显著的增长。)

5. He inherited his father's porcine tendencies towards laziness. (他继承了父亲懒惰的猪一般的倾向。)

6. The comedian's joke about his own porcine appearance had the audience in stitches. (喜剧演员关于自己猪样外貌的笑话让观众捧腹大笑。)

7. The researcher conducted experiments on porcine tissue samples. (研究人员对猪组织样本进行了实验。)

8. She couldn't resist the porcine cuteness of the piglets. (她忍不住猪仔们的可爱。)

9. The restaurant specialized in porcine delicacies. (这家餐馆专门做猪肉美食。)

10. His porcine snoring kept the entire household awake at night. (他猪一般的鼾声让整个家里的人都不能入睡。)

11. The porcine flu outbreak led to widespread concern among farmers. (猪流感的爆发引发了农民的广泛关注。)

12. The actress wore a porcine mask as part of her costume for the play. (女演员在戏剧中的服装中戴着猪面具。)

13. The porcine creatures roamed freely in the forest. (猪样的生物在森林里自由地游荡着。)

14. He had a distinctive porcine grunt when he laughed. (他笑起来时有一种独特的猪一般的呼噜声。)

15. Porcine collagen is used in various medical applications. (猪胶原蛋白被用于各种医疗应用中。)


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