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时间: 2024-09-20 14:09:04


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "spiny" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The cactus had spiny needles to deter animals from eating it. (仙人掌上长有刺,以防止动物啃食。)

2. The spiny lobster is known for its long, pointed antennae. (刺龙虾以其长而尖的触须而闻名。)

3. The spiny hedgehog curled into a ball to protect itself from predators. (刺猬蜷缩成一团,以保护自己免受捕食者的伤害。)

4. Walking through the spiny brushwood, I had to be careful not to get scratched. (穿过长满刺的灌木丛时,我得小心不要被划伤。)

5. The sea urchin's shell is covered in spiny projections. (海胆的壳上布满了刺状突起。)

6. She delicately avoided the spiny leaves of the pineapple plant. (她小心地避开了菠萝植物上的刺叶。)

7. The spiny surface of the seed pod made it difficult to handle. (种子荚的表面有刺,很难处理。)

8. The lizard's tail was adorned with spiny scales. (蜥蜴的尾巴上覆盖着刺状鳞片。)

9. The spiny texture of the artichoke made it a challenge to eat. (朝鲜蓟的刺状质地使得吃起来颇具挑战性。)

10. The spiny pufferfish inflated itself when threatened. (受到威胁时,刺豚会膨胀起来。)

11. We encountered a spiny problem that required careful consideration. (我们遇到了一个棘手的问题,需要仔细考虑。)

12. The spiny caterpillar crawled slowly along the branch. (刺毛的毛毛虫在树枝上慢慢爬行。)

13. The spiny lizard camouflaged itself among the rocks. (刺蜥蜴在岩石间隐蔽起来。)

14. The spiny porcupine warned potential threats by rattling its quills. (刺猬通过震动它的刺来警告潜在的威胁。)

15. She gingerly plucked a spiny thorn from her finger. (她小心翼翼地从手指上拔出一根刺。)


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