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时间: 2024-09-20 11:57:54



1. Mental illness carries a significant social stigma.

- 精神疾病带有很大的社会污名。

2. She felt the stigma of being a single mother in a conservative community.

- 她感受到了在保守社会中作为单身母亲的污名。

3. There used to be a stigma attached to being unemployed, but attitudes are changing.

- 过去失业带有污名,但是态度正在改变。

4. People with HIV/AIDS often face stigma and discrimination.

- 患有艾滋病的人经常面临污名和歧视。

5. In some cultures, there is still a stigma associated with seeking therapy for mental health issues.

- 在某些文化中,寻求心理健康治疗仍带有污名。

6. Being labeled as a criminal can result in a lifelong stigma.

- 被贴上犯罪分子的标签会导致终身的污名。

7. Students with learning disabilities often experience stigma from their peers.

- 学习障碍的学生经常会从同龄人那里感受到污名。

8. There's a stigma against admitting weakness in many competitive environments.

- 在许多竞争环境中,承认弱点存在污名。

9. The stigma attached to divorce has diminished in recent years.

- 近年来,离婚带来的污名有所减轻。

10. People from certain racial backgrounds still face employment discrimination and stigma.

- 某些种族背景的人仍然面临就业歧视和污名。

11. The stigma surrounding addiction prevents many people from seeking help.

- 围绕着成瘾问题的污名阻碍了许多人寻求帮助。

12. Obesity is often accompanied by societal stigma and prejudice.

- 肥胖通常伴随着社会上的污名和偏见。

13. Former prisoners often struggle with the stigma of their criminal records when reintegrating into society.

- 前犯人重新融入社会时常常会遇到因犯罪记录而带来的污名。

14. The stigma of being a failure can be paralyzing.

- 失败的污名可能会让人瘫痪不前。

15. There's a lingering stigma against talking openly about mental health in many workplaces.

- 在许多工作场所中,对于公开谈论心理健康仍然存在污名。


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