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时间: 2024-09-20 13:14:01



1. Buying a house entails taking on a mortgage.

- 购买房子意味着要承担抵押贷款。

2. Completing this project entails careful planning and coordination.

- 完成这个项目需要仔细的规划和协调。

3. Her decision to quit her job entailed a complete change in lifestyle.

- 她决定辞去工作意味着她的生活方式完全改变了。

4. The new policy entails stricter regulations on environmental protection.

- 新政策意味着对环境保护的更严格规定。

5. Learning a new language entails a lot of practice and patience.

- 学习一门新语言需要大量的练习和耐心。

6. The role of a manager entails overseeing daily operations and staff management.

- 管理者的角色包括监督日常运营和员工管理。

7. Becoming a parent entails a lifelong commitment to caring for your child.

- 成为父母意味着终身承诺照顾你的孩子。

8. His new job entails frequent travel abroad.

- 他的新工作要求经常出国旅行。

9. Successfully completing the mission entails overcoming numerous challenges.

- 成功完成任务意味着克服许多挑战。

10. The job offer entails relocation to another city.

- 这份工作意味着要搬到另一个城市。

11. Entering this competition entails meeting strict eligibility criteria.

- 参加这个比赛意味着要符合严格的资格标准。

12. The agreement entails mutual cooperation between the two companies.

- 这份协议意味着两家公司之间的相互合作。

13. Winning the championship entails rigorous training and dedication.

- 赢得冠军需要严格的训练和奉献精神。

14. This project entails substantial financial investment.

- 这个项目需要大量的财务投入。

15. Starting a business entails taking calculated risks.

- 创办一家企业意味着要冒一定的风险。


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