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时间: 2024-09-20 14:13:15


Certainly! "Polytechnic" refers to institutions that offer technical education and training in various fields. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. He studied mechanical engineering at the local polytechnic.

- 他在当地的理工学院学习机械工程。

2. The polytechnic offers specialized courses in electronics and telecommunications.

- 这所理工学院提供电子与电信专业课程。

3. She graduated from a prestigious polytechnic with a degree in computer science.

- 她毕业于一所知名理工学院,获得计算机科学学位。

4. The polytechnic emphasizes hands-on training alongside theoretical knowledge.

- 这所理工学院强调理论知识与实际操作技能的结合。

5. Many students prefer polytechnics for their practical approach to learning.

- 许多学生喜欢理工学院因为其实践性学习的方法。

6. The polytechnic campus includes state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities.

- 理工学院的校园包括最先进的实验室和研究设施。

7. Students at the polytechnic can choose from a wide range of engineering disciplines.

- 理工学院的学生可以选择广泛的工程学科。

8. The polytechnic encourages innovation and entrepreneurship among its students.

- 理工学院鼓励学生的创新和创业精神。

9. He enrolled in a polytechnic to pursue his passion for automotive design.

- 他报读理工学院追求他对汽车设计的热情。

10. The polytechnic collaborates closely with industry partners for internships and job placements.

- 理工学院与行业合作伙伴密切合作,进行实习和就业安置。

11. She decided to attend a polytechnic rather than a traditional university for its practical training programs.

- 她决定选择理工学院而不是传统大学,因为理工学院提供实践训练项目。

12. The polytechnic's alumni are highly sought after by leading technology companies.

- 理工学院的校友深受领先科技公司的青睐。

13. He completed a diploma in hospitality management at the polytechnic.

- 他在理工学院完成了酒店管理的文凭课程。

14. The polytechnic organizes workshops and seminars to enhance students' skills and knowledge.

- 理工学院组织研讨会和讲座,以提升学生的技能和知识。

15. Attending a polytechnic can provide a practical foundation for future career success.

- 就读理工学院可以为未来职业成功打下实践基础。


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