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时间: 2024-09-20 14:25:53



1. Love Triangle: The love triangle is a classic trope in romantic comedies, where two characters vie for the affection of a third.

- 爱情三角关系:爱情三角关系是浪漫喜剧中的经典情节,两个角色竞争第三者的爱慕。

2. Rags to Riches: The rags-to-riches trope is common in literature, portraying a character who starts with nothing and achieves great success.

- 白手起家:白手起家是文学中常见的主题,描绘一个从一无所有到取得巨大成功的角色。

3. The Hero's Journey: The hero's journey trope outlines the stages a protagonist typically undergoes in an adventure story, from ordinary world to extraordinary challenges and back.

- 英雄之旅:英雄之旅是一个描绘主人公在冒险故事中典型经历阶段的情节,从平凡世界到非凡挑战再回归。

4. Damsel in Distress: The damsel-in-distress trope involves a female character who needs to be rescued by a male hero, often portrayed as vulnerable and helpless.

- 拯救少女:拯救少女是涉及女性角色需要男英雄拯救的情节,通常描绘为脆弱和无助。

5. The Mentor: The mentor trope features a wise and experienced character who guides and trains the protagonist, offering crucial advice and support.

- 导师:导师情节描绘一个智慧和经验丰富的角色指导和训练主角,提供重要的建议和支持。

6. Forbidden Love: Forbidden love is a trope where romantic relationships are hindered by external forces like social norms or familial expectations.

- 禁忌之恋:禁忌之恋是一种情节,其中浪漫关系受到社会规范或家庭期望等外部力量的阻碍。

7. The Trickster: The trickster trope involves a character who uses wit and deception to achieve their goals, often causing mischief along the way.

- 骗子:骗子情节涉及一个角色利用机智和欺骗来实现自己的目标,通常在过程中制造混乱。

8. The Underdog: The underdog trope focuses on a disadvantaged or underestimated character who ultimately triumphs against the odds.

- 大赢家:大赢家情节关注一个处于劣势或被低估的角色,最终战胜一切。

9. Good vs. Evil: Good versus evil is a trope that explores the conflict between moral opposites, often involving a hero who fights against a villain.

- 善恶之争:善恶之争是一个探讨道德对立冲突的情节,通常涉及一个英雄与反派作斗争。

10. Manic Pixie Dream Girl: The manic pixie dream girl trope portrays a quirky and upbeat female character who exists primarily to inspire or transform a male protagonist.

- 疯狂小精灵梦中女孩:疯狂小精灵梦中女孩情节描绘了一个古怪和乐观的女性角色,她主要存在于启发或改变男主角。

11. The Quest: The quest trope involves a journey undertaken by a hero or group of characters to achieve a specific goal, often involving trials and challenges.

- 探索:探索情节涉及一个英雄或一群角色为了达到特定目标而进行的旅程,通常涉及试炼和挑战。

12. Villain Redemption: Villain redemption is a trope where an antagonist undergoes a transformation from evil to good, often through remorse or self-discovery.

- 反派救赎:反派救赎情节描绘了一个反派从邪恶向善良转变的过程,通常通过悔悟或自我发现。

13. The Chosen One: The chosen one trope features a protagonist who is destined for greatness or to fulfill a specific prophecy, often with unique powers or abilities.

- 天选之人:天选之人情节描绘了一个注定伟大或者实现特定预言的主角,通常拥有独特的能力或技能。

14. Time Loop: The time loop trope involves a narrative where characters are stuck repeating the same events or period of time, often with variations.

- 时空循环:时空循环情节涉及到角色被困在重复相同事件或时间段的叙事中,通常带有变化。

15. Red Herring: The red herring trope introduces a misleading clue or character to divert attention from the real issue or plot twist.

- 红鲱鱼:红鲱鱼情节引入一个误导性线索或角色,以转移注意力,掩盖真正的问题或情节转折。

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