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时间: 2024-09-21 04:59:02


1. The company plans to initiate a new marketing campaign next month.


2. The president will initiate a new policy to address the issue of climate change.


3. It is important to initiate a dialogue with the opposing party in order to find a resolution.


4. The teacher will initiate a discussion on the topic of environmental conservation in class today.


5. The government has initiated a program to provide free healthcare for low-income families.


6. The company plans to initiate a new product line next year to expand its market reach.


7. The mayor will initiate a new initiative to improve public transportation in the city.


8. The organization aims to initiate a mentorship program for young professionals.


9. The new CEO plans to initiate a restructuring of the company to improve efficiency.


10. The team will initiate a project to develop a new software application for the company.


11. 他们希望启动一个新的项目来解决这个社区的失业问题。

(They hope to initiate a new project to address the issue of unemployment in this community.)

12. 这个组织计划启动一个新的计划,以提高儿童教育的质量。

(The organization plans to initiate a new program to improve the quality of education for children.)

13. 他们决定启动一项新的倡议,以解决城市的垃圾处理问题。

(They have decided to initiate a new initiative to address the issue of waste management in the city.)

14. 公司计划启动一个新的培训计划,以提高员工的技能水平。

(The company plans to initiate a new training program to improve the skills of its employees.)

15. 政府正努力启动一个计划,以提高农村地区的基础设施。

(The government is working to initiate a program to improve the infrastructure in rural areas.)

16. 他们决定启动一个新的研究项目,以探索新的癌症治疗方法。

(They have decided to initiate a new research project to explore new methods of cancer treatment.)

17. 这个组织将启动一个新的倡议,以保护濒危物种的生存环境。

(The organization will initiate a new initiative to protect the habitats of endangered species.)

18. 公司计划启动一个新的销售策略,以吸引更多的客户。

(The company plans to initiate a new sales strategy to attract more customers.)

19. 他们希望启动一个新的项目,以改善当地的污水处理设施。

(They hope to initiate a new project to improve the local wastewater treatment facilities.)

20. 这个组织正在努力启动一个倡议,以提高社区的整体健康水平。

(The organization is working to initiate an initiative to improve the overall health of the community.)

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