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时间: 2024-09-20 14:33:41



1. The patient's symptoms were atypical for influenza; further tests were needed to determine the cause. (这位患者的症状对于流感来说是非典型的;需要进一步检查来确定原因。)

2. Her approach to problem-solving is atypical but surprisingly effective. (她解决问题的方式是非典型的,但出奇地有效。)

3. This novel takes an atypical perspective on historical events. (这部小说以一种非典型的视角看待历史事件。)

4. The artist's atypical use of colors made her paintings stand out. (艺术家非典型的色彩运用使她的画作与众不同。)

5. His behavior at the party was atypical of his usually reserved nature. (他在派对上的行为与他通常内向的性格不同寻常。)

6. The architecture of the building was atypical for the region. (这座建筑的风格在该地区是不寻常的。)

7. The company's hiring process is atypical compared to industry standards. (该公司的招聘流程与行业标准相比是非典型的。)

8. The weather patterns this year have been atypical, with more rainfall than usual. (今年的天气模式非典型,降雨量比平常多。)

9. Her decision to quit her job and travel the world was atypical but fulfilling. (她决定辞去工作去环游世界是不寻常的,但令人满足。)

10. The detective noted several atypical details in the crime scene. (侦探注意到案发现场的几个不寻常的细节。)

11. The cat's behavior was atypical today; usually, it's quite playful. (猫咪今天的行为不同寻常;通常它很好动。)

12. His atypical approach to negotiations caught everyone off guard. (他在谈判中的非典型方式使所有人都措手不及。)

13. The chef's atypical combination of ingredients created a unique flavor. (厨师非典型的食材组合创造了独特的味道。)

14. The movie's atypical structure challenged traditional storytelling conventions. (这部电影非典型的结构挑战了传统的叙事惯例。)

15. The disease has presented in an atypical manner, making diagnosis difficult. (这种疾病表现出非典型的方式,使得诊断变得困难。)


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