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时间: 2024-09-20 14:45:30



1. The invaders were seen as barbarians by the local population.(侵略者被当地人视为蛮族。)

2. He shouted insults like a barbarian, disrupting the peaceful gathering.(他像蛮子一样大声辱骂,打破了和平的聚会。)

3. The tribes on the outskirts were considered barbarians due to their unfamiliar customs.(因为他们不熟悉的习俗,边缘部落被认为是蛮族。)

4. The teacher scolded the students for behaving like barbarians in the cafeteria.(老师责备学生们在自助餐厅表现得像蛮子一样。)

5. In ancient Rome, anyone who did not speak Latin was often dismissed as a barbarian.(在古罗马,不会说拉丁语的人经常被视为蛮族。)

6. The movie depicted a barbarian horde sweeping across the plains, leaving destruction in its wake.(电影描述了一支蛮族大军横扫平原,留下了毁灭性的痕迹。)

7. She felt like a barbarian in the elegant ballroom, unsure of the proper etiquette.(在优雅的舞厅里,她感觉自己像个蛮子,不确定如何行事。)

8. Historically, the term "barbarian" was used to differentiate between civilized and uncivilized peoples.(历史上,“蛮族”一词用来区分文明和未开化的人。)

9. The explorer encountered a tribe of nomadic barbarians in the desert.(探险家在沙漠中遇到了一支游牧的蛮族。)

10. The philosopher criticized the government's policies as barbarian and unjust.(哲学家批评政府的政策为蛮横和不公正。)

11. The ambassador's diplomatic efforts prevented a war with the neighboring barbarian kingdom.(大使的外交努力避免了与邻近的蛮族王国的战争。)

12. Legends tell of a barbarian hero who defended his people against tyranny.(传说中有一位蛮族英雄,保卫人民抵抗暴政。)

13. The author described the customs of the ancient barbarian tribes in vivid detail.(作者详细描述了古代蛮族部落的习俗。)

14. They treated their prisoners with the brutality of barbarians.(他们以蛮横的手段对待他们的囚犯。)

15. The professor argued that labeling certain groups as barbarians is ethnocentric and simplistic.(教授认为将某些群体称为蛮族是种族中心主义和简化问题的做法。)


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