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时间: 2024-09-21 04:05:03


当然!这里是关于 "boon" 的例句和中文解释:

1. Access to clean water is a boon for the village. (清洁水资源对村庄来说是一大福利。)

2. The new tax laws proved to be a boon for small businesses. (新税法对小型企业来说是一大利好。)

3. The discovery of antibiotics was a boon to modern medicine. (抗生素的发现对现代医学来说是一大福音。)

4. The grant from the government was a boon for our research project. (政府的拨款对我们的研究项目是一个重要的支持。)

5. Flexible working hours have been a boon to working parents. (弹性工作时间对工作父母来说是一大帮助。)

6. The ceasefire was seen as a boon for both sides in the conflict. (停火被认为对冲突双方都是一大利好。)

7. Advances in technology have been a boon to communication. (技术的进步对通讯领域是一大助益。)

8. The new subway line is expected to be a boon for commuters. (新的地铁线路预计对通勤者来说是一大福利。)

9. His promotion to manager was a boon to his career. (他升任经理对他的职业生涯是一大帮助。)

10. Increased tourism has been a boon to the local economy. (旅游业的增长对当地经济是一大促进。)

11. The scholarship was a boon for students from low-income families. (奖学金对来自低收入家庭的学生是一大资助。)

12. Access to high-speed internet has been a boon to remote workers. (高速互联网的接入对远程工作者来说是一大福利。)

13. The discovery of oil reserves was a boon for the country's economy. (石油储备的发现对国家经济是一大助益。)

14. The supportive community has been a boon to her recovery process. (支持性社区对她的康复过程是一大帮助。)

15. The implementation of new safety measures has been a boon for workplace conditions. (新的安全措施的实施对工作环境是一大改善。)


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