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时间: 2024-09-21 07:32:17


1. The scientist conducted experiments in the laboratory to test his hypothesis.(科学家在实验室进行实验来验证他的假设。)

2. The laboratory technician carefully analyzed the samples under the microscope.(实验室技术人员仔细地在显微镜下分析样本。)

3. The new drug is being developed in the laboratory before it can be tested on humans.(新药正在实验室研制,然后才能进行人体测试。)

4. The laboratory equipment needs to be properly maintained to ensure accurate results.(实验室设备需要得到适当的维护,以确保准确的结果。)

5. The laboratory was filled with the hum of machines and the smell of chemicals.(实验室里充满了机器的嗡嗡声和化学品的气味。)

6. The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for conducting experiments.(实验室配备了最先进的技术来进行实验。)

7. The laboratory assistant was responsible for preparing the reagents for the experiment.(实验室助理负责为实验准备试剂。)

8. The laboratory is where breakthroughs in science and medicine often occur.(实验室是科学和医学的突破常常发生的地方。)

9. The laboratory was off-limits to unauthorized personnel.(未经授权的人员不得进入实验室。)

10. The laboratory report detailed the findings of the experiment.(实验室报告详细描述了实验的发现。)

11. 在实验室里,科学家们进行了各种实验。 (In the laboratory, scientists conducted various experiments.)

12. 实验室里的化学品需要妥善处理。 (Chemicals in the laboratory need to be handled properly.)

13. 实验室里的设备需要进行定期维护。 (The equipment in the laboratory needs to be regularly maintained.)

14. 实验室的温度和湿度需要严格控制。 (The temperature and humidity in the laboratory need to be strictly controlled.)

15. 实验室里的安全规定需要严格遵守。 (The safety regulations in the laboratory need to be strictly adhered to.)

16. 实验室里进行了一系列的试验以验证理论。 (A series of experiments were conducted in the laboratory to validate the theory.)

17. 实验室里的研究成果将有助于解决医学难题。 (The research findings in the laboratory will help solve medical challenges.)

18. 实验室里的实验需要严格遵守标准操作程序。 (The experiments in the laboratory need to strictly adhere to standard operating procedures.)

19. 实验室里的研究成果将有助于推动科学领域的发展。 (The research findings in the laboratory will help advance the field of science.)

20. 实验室里的设备需要经常进行校准以确保准确性。 (The equipment in the laboratory needs to be regularly calibrated to ensure accuracy.)

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