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时间: 2024-09-20 11:39:54


"Catharsis" 是指情感的宣泄或情感的净化。这里有一些例句及其中文解释:

1. Watching sad movies provides catharsis for her pent-up emotions.

- 看悲伤的电影对她内心积压的情感有宣泄作用。

2. After the intense workout, he felt a sense of catharsis and relief.

- 经过剧烈的锻炼后,他感到一种宣泄和解脱感。

3. Writing in her journal became a form of catharsis during her grieving process.

- 在她哀伤的过程中,写日记成为一种宣泄方式。

4. Screaming into the pillow was a cathartic release after a frustrating day.

- 在枕头里尖叫是一天烦恼之后的宣泄。

5. The therapy session provided a catharsis that allowed him to confront his fears.

- 治疗会话提供了一种宣泄,使他能够面对自己的恐惧。

6. For many, creating art serves as a catharsis for processing complex emotions.

- 对许多人来说,创作艺术是处理复杂情感的一种宣泄方式。

7. Crying after the breakup was a necessary catharsis for her healing process.

- 分手后哭泣对她的愈合过程是必要的宣泄。

8. The character's outburst on stage was a powerful catharsis for the audience.

- 角色在舞台上的爆发是观众强烈的情感宣泄。

9. Going for a long walk was a cathartic experience that cleared his mind.

- 散步是一种情感宣泄的体验,使他头脑清醒。

10. Journaling about his past was a catharsis that helped him come to terms with it.

- 关于他过去的日记是一种宣泄,帮助他接受这段过去。

11. The character's breakdown provided a cathartic moment in the storyline.

- 角色的崩溃在故事情节中提供了一种情感宣泄的时刻。

12. Running helped her achieve a state of catharsis after a stressful week.

- 跑步帮助她在一个充满压力的周末后达到了情感宣泄的状态。

13. Talking to a close friend acted as a catharsis, allowing her to express her frustrations.

- 和密友交谈作为一种宣泄,使她能够表达自己的挫折感。

14. Attending a concert was a cathartic experience that lifted his spirits.

- 参加音乐会是一种情感宣泄的经历,使他精神振奋。

15. He found catharsis in forgiveness, letting go of resentment and finding peace.

- 他在宽恕中找到了情感宣泄,放下怨恨,找到了平静。


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