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时间: 2024-09-20 08:52:43


1. The collective decision was made to move the meeting to a different location.


2. The collective effort of the team resulted in a successful product launch.


3. The collective wisdom of the group helped solve the problem.


4. The collective responsibility of the community is to take care of the environment.


5. The collective bargaining agreement was reached after long negotiations.


6. The collective goal of the company is to increase profits while maintaining ethical standards.


7. The collective action of the protesters led to changes in government policy.


8. The collective voice of the employees was heard by the management.


9. The collective memory of the community was preserved in the museum.


10. The collective decision-making process took longer than expected.


11. 他们是一个集体,共同努力实现目标。

(They are a collective, working together to achieve their goals.)

12. 她们的集体行为引起了广泛关注。

(Their collective action attracted widespread attention.)

13. 这个团队的成功取决于他们的集体努力。

(The team's success depended on their collective effort.)

14. 我们必须以集体的方式来解决这个问题。

(We must address this issue collectively.)

15. 这是一个集体的责任,我们必须共同承担。

(It's a collective responsibility that we must all share.)

16. 他们的集体决定改变了公司的未来。

(Their collective decision changed the future of the company.)

17. 这个组织的力量在于成员的集体意志。

(The strength of this organization lies in the collective will of its members.)

18. 集体记忆对于文化传承至关重要。

(Collective memory is crucial for cultural preservation.)

19. 他们以集体的方式庆祝了这个重要的里程碑。

(They celebrated this important milestone collectively.)

20. 集体谈判是员工维护权益的有力工具。

(Collective bargaining is a powerful tool for employees to protect their rights.)

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