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时间: 2024-09-20 11:28:29


当然,请看以下关于 "olfactory" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. The olfactory sense is crucial for identifying different aromas and flavors.

- 嗅觉对于辨别不同的香气和味道至关重要。

2. The olfactory nerves transmit signals from the nose to the brain.

- 嗅神经将信号从鼻子传输到大脑。

3. Certain animals have highly developed olfactory systems to detect prey or predators.

- 某些动物拥有高度发达的嗅觉系统,用于探测猎物或捕食者。

4. Loss of olfactory function can affect one's ability to taste food properly.

- 失去嗅觉功能会影响一个人正确品尝食物的能力。

5. The study focused on how aging affects olfactory perception.

- 这项研究关注于衰老如何影响嗅觉感知。

6. Aromatherapy uses olfactory stimuli to promote relaxation and well-being.

- 芳香疗法利用嗅觉刺激促进放松和健康。

7. Olfactory cues play a role in social bonding among some animal species.

- 嗅觉信号在某些动物物种中在社会结合中起到作用。

8. The olfactory cortex in the brain processes information related to smells.

- 大脑中的嗅觉皮层处理与气味相关的信息。

9. Research suggests that stress can affect olfactory sensitivity.

- 研究表明,压力可以影响嗅觉敏感度。

10. Perfume makers blend various fragrances to create unique olfactory experiences.

- 香水制造商混合各种香味,创造独特的嗅觉体验。

11. Olfactory hallucinations can occur in certain medical conditions.

- 在某些医学状况下,可以发生嗅觉幻觉。

12. The olfactory bulb is responsible for initial processing of smell information.

- 嗅球负责初步处理气味信息。

13. Studies show that memories linked to smells are often vivid and emotional.

- 研究显示,与气味相关的记忆通常生动而情感丰富。

14. Olfactory receptors detect airborne molecules that trigger smell perception.

- 嗅觉受体检测空气中的分子,触发嗅觉感知。

15. Olfactory dysfunction is sometimes a symptom of neurological disorders.

- 嗅觉功能障碍有时是神经系统疾病的症状之一。

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