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时间: 2024-09-20 16:28:10


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "tabular" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The report presented its findings in a tabular format for clarity. (报告以表格形式呈现其研究结果,以增强清晰度。)

2. The tabular data allowed for easier comparison between the two groups. (表格数据使得两个群体之间的比较更加容易。)

3. The spreadsheet included tabular summaries of each department's expenses. (电子表格中包含了各部门开支的表格汇总。)

4. The textbook had a section with tabular representations of historical events. (教科书中有一个部分用表格表示历史事件。)

5. The tabular presentation of statistics highlighted the trends over the past decade. (统计数据的表格呈现突出显示了过去十年的趋势。)

6. Researchers used tabular data to illustrate their hypotheses. (研究人员使用表格数据来阐明他们的假设。)

7. The annual report featured a tabular breakdown of revenue by region. (年度报告展示了按地区分解的收入表格。)

8. The software allows users to create customized tabular reports. (这款软件允许用户创建定制的表格报告。)

9. Engineers rely on tabular data to make informed decisions about materials. (工程师依赖表格数据来做出关于材料的明智决策。)

10. The database organizes information into tabular format for easy retrieval. (数据库将信息组织成表格格式,以便于检索。)

11. The student used a tabular format to compare the results of each experiment. (学生使用表格格式来比较每个实验的结果。)

12. The tabular layout of the website made navigation straightforward. (网站的表格布局使得导航变得简单直观。)

13. The report included a tabular analysis of market trends. (报告包括了对市场趋势的表格分析。)

14. The company's financial data was presented in a tabular form for shareholders. (公司的财务数据以表格形式呈现给股东。)

15. The tabular representation of data facilitates quick understanding. (数据的表格表示有助于快速理解。)


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