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时间: 2024-09-20 14:09:19


Certainly! "Liberality" refers to the quality of being generous and broad-minded. Here are 15 sentences using "liberality" with Chinese explanations:

1. His liberality knew no bounds; he gave generously to every cause he believed in. (他的慷慨大方无边界;他对他信仰的每一个事业都慷慨解囊。)

2. The company is known for its liberality towards its employees, offering extensive benefits and support. (该公司因其对员工的慷慨而闻名,提供广泛的福利和支持。)

3. She treated her friends with liberality, always ready to share what she had. (她对待朋友慷慨大方,总是乐于分享她所拥有的。)

4. The liberality of his views on social issues impressed many of his peers. (他在社会问题上的开明观点使他的许多同行印象深刻。)

5. Politicians often promise liberality during campaigns but deliver less once elected. (政治家们在竞选期间经常承诺慷慨大方,但一旦当选后却实施得较少。)

6. His liberality extended beyond monetary gifts; he freely gave his time and expertise. (他的慷慨不仅限于金钱上的捐赠;他也自由地奉献了自己的时间和专长。)

7. The liberality of her interpretations allowed for a fresh understanding of the classic text. (她对经典文本的宽容解释为新的理解打开了一扇窗。)

8. The university is praised for its liberality in admissions, considering a wide range of qualifications. (该大学因其在录取过程中的宽容而受到赞扬,考虑了广泛的资格条件。)

9. Cultural liberality encourages diversity of expression and creativity. (文化的宽容鼓励表达的多样性和创造力。)

10. His liberality of spirit made him a beloved figure in the community. (他的宽容的精神使他成为社区中受爱戴的人物。)

11. The liberality of the scholarship program allows students from all backgrounds to apply. (奖学金计划的慷慨大方使得来自各种背景的学生都可以申请。)

12. The liberality of the law in this area allows for a broad interpretation of individual rights. (法律在这一领域的宽容允许对个人权利进行广泛解释。)

13. The liberality with which he forgave those who wronged him was remarkable. (他宽容地原谅那些伤害过他的人是非常显著的。)

14. The liberality of her hospitality made guests feel warmly welcomed. (她的慷慨好客让客人感到热情欢迎。)

15. The liberality of resources allocated to the project ensured its success. (为该项目分配的资源的慷慨保证了其成功。)

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "liberality" can be used to convey generosity, broad-mindedness, and openness.

上一个 【英语】dismissal的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】venality的例句




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