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时间: 2024-09-21 10:39:08



1. He was treated as a bastard by his father's family after they learned he was born out of wedlock.(他的父亲家族在得知他是私生子后对他态度冷淡。)

2. The novel's protagonist struggled with the stigma of being labeled a bastard throughout his childhood.(小说的主人公童年时期为私生子的污名所苦。)

3. The politician's opponents tried to discredit him by spreading rumors that he was a bastard child.(政客的对手试图通过散布谣言说他是私生子来败坏他的名誉。)

4. She felt like a bastard when she realized she had accidentally offended her colleagues.(当她意识到自己无意中冒犯了同事时,她感到很难堪。)

5. Despite being a bastard, he was loved and raised by his mother with great care.(尽管是私生子,他还是得到了母亲的精心抚养和爱戴。)

6. The director portrayed the villain as a cruel bastard who cared only for his own gain.(导演把这位反派描绘成一个只顾自己利益的残忍家伙。)

7. She called him a bastard in anger after he betrayed her trust.(在他背叛了她的信任后,她愤怒地称他为混蛋。)

8. He was accused of being a bastard for abandoning his friends when they needed him most.(当他的朋友最需要他的时候,他被指责为自私自利。)

9. The coach's harsh training methods earned him the reputation of being a tough bastard.(教练严格的训练方法让他被认为是一个苛刻的家伙。)

10. Despite his tough exterior, he had a kind heart and often helped those in need, proving he wasn't a bastard after all.(尽管他外表强硬,但他内心善良,经常帮助那些有需要的人,证明他并不是一个坏人。)

11. She called her ex-boyfriend a bastard when she found out he had been cheating on her.(当她发现前男友对她不忠时,她称他为混蛋。)

12. The character in the play was portrayed as a charming bastard who manipulated everyone around him.(剧中的角色被描绘成一个迷人的恶棍,操纵着他周围的每一个人。)

13. Being called a bastard by his classmates hurt him deeply.(被同学们称为混蛋让他感到很受伤。)

14. In the movie, the protagonist struggled to prove himself despite being born a bastard.(在电影中,主人公尽管出身贫寒,但仍然努力证明自己的价值。)

15. Despite the challenges he faced as a bastard, he grew up to be a successful and respected member of society.(尽管作为私生子面临重重困难,他还是成长为社会上一位成功和受人尊敬的人物。)


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