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时间: 2024-09-20 09:11:16



1. Freedom of speech is emblematic of a democratic society. (言论自由是民主社会的象征。)

2. The dove is emblematic of peace. (鸽子象征和平。)

3. His actions were emblematic of his commitment to justice. (他的行动显示了他对正义的承诺。)

4. The skyscrapers are emblematic of the city's modernity. (摩天大楼象征着这座城市的现代性。)

5. The flag is emblematic of our nation's history. (这面旗帜象征着我们国家的历史。)

6. Her dress was emblematic of the fashion trends of the time. (她的服装体现了当时的时尚潮流。)

7. The handshake is emblematic of a greeting. (握手象征着问候。)

8. The phoenix is emblematic of rebirth and renewal. (凤凰象征着重生和更新。)

9. The lion is emblematic of courage and strength. (狮子象征着勇气和力量。)

10. The oak tree is emblematic of endurance and resilience. (橡树象征着忍耐力和韧性。)

11. His paintings are emblematic of the romantic style. (他的画作体现了浪漫主义风格。)

12. The handshake is emblematic of trust and agreement. (握手象征着信任和协议。)

13. The lighthouse is emblematic of hope in times of darkness. (灯塔象征着黑暗时期的希望。)

14. The dove with an olive branch is emblematic of peace and harmony. (橄榄枝上的鸽子象征着和平与和谐。)

15. The Taj Mahal is emblematic of love and architectural beauty. (泰姬陵象征着爱与建筑美。)


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