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时间: 2024-09-21 12:09:41


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "explanatory," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The professor provided an explanatory lecture on quantum mechanics.

- 教授提供了关于量子力学的解释性讲座。

2. Her essay included an explanatory diagram to clarify the process.

- 她的论文包含了一个解释性的图表,以阐明这个过程。

3. The manual should have more explanatory notes to help users understand the device.

- 手册应该增加更多的解释性注释,以帮助用户理解这个设备。

4. The judge requested an explanatory statement from the witness.

- 法官要求证人提供一份解释性陈述。

5. The textbook includes several explanatory footnotes for difficult passages.

- 这本教科书为难点部分包含了几个解释性的脚注。

6. The new law requires an explanatory memorandum to accompany the proposal.

- 新法律要求附带一份解释性备忘录来伴随提案。

7. His article was praised for its clear and explanatory style.

- 他的文章因其清晰和解释性的风格而受到赞扬。

8. The software update came with an explanatory video tutorial.

- 软件更新附带了一个解释性视频教程。

9. The committee requested an explanatory report detailing the budget discrepancies.

- 委员会要求一份详细说明预算差异的解释性报告。

10. The brochure provides an explanatory overview of the company's services.

- 小册子提供了公司服务的解释性概述。

11. The teacher used an explanatory metaphor to illustrate the concept.

- 老师用一个解释性的比喻来阐明这个概念。

12. The scientist wrote an explanatory article about the findings of the experiment.

- 科学家写了一篇关于实验发现的解释性文章。

13. The presentation lacked explanatory slides to clarify key points.

- 这个演讲缺乏解释性幻灯片来阐明关键点。

14. The museum exhibit had explanatory plaques next to each artifact.

- 博物馆展品旁边有解释性的牌匾。

15. The training session included an explanatory session on safety protocols.

- 培训会议包括了一个关于安全协议的解释性会议。

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