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时间: 2024-09-21 01:01:59


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese for the word "genetics":

1. Genetics plays a crucial role in determining inherited traits such as eye color and hair texture.

- 遗传学在决定遗传特征如眼睛颜色和头发质地方面起着至关重要的作用。

2. The study of genetics has advanced our understanding of how traits are passed down from one generation to the next.

- 遗传学的研究推进了我们对特征如何从一代传递到下一代的理解。

3. Scientists use genetics to investigate the causes of certain genetic disorders.

- 科学家利用遗传学来研究某些遗传疾病的原因。

4. Understanding the principles of genetics helps in predicting the likelihood of certain diseases within families.

- 理解遗传学的原理有助于预测家族中某些疾病的可能性。

5. Genetics studies the inheritance patterns of genes from parents to offspring.

- 遗传学研究基因从父母传递到后代的遗传模式。

6. Advances in genetics have led to breakthroughs in personalized medicine.

- 遗传学的进展导致了个性化医学的突破。

7. Geneticists study how changes in DNA can affect an individual's health and development.

- 遗传学家研究DNA变化如何影响个体的健康和发育。

8. Genetics helps explain why some diseases run in families.

- 遗传学有助于解释为什么某些疾病在家族中遗传。

9. The field of genetics includes the study of both inherited and acquired genetic traits.

- 遗传学领域涵盖了对遗传和后天获得的遗传特征的研究。

10. Modern agriculture relies on genetics to develop crops with desirable traits.

- 现代农业依赖遗传学来开发具有理想特征的作物。

11. Genetics can influence an individual's susceptibility to certain environmental factors.

- 遗传学可以影响个体对某些环境因素的易感性。

12. Researchers use genetics to trace evolutionary relationships between different species.

- 研究人员利用遗传学来追踪不同物种之间的进化关系。

13. Genetic testing can provide valuable information about an individual's ancestry.

- 遗传测试可以提供有关个体祖先的宝贵信息。

14. The study of genetics has ethical implications regarding issues such as genetic engineering.

- 遗传学的研究在伦理问题上涉及到例如基因工程等问题。

15. Understanding genetics requires knowledge of molecular biology and inheritance patterns.

- 理解遗传学需要掌握分子生物学和遗传模式的知识。


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