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时间: 2024-09-20 11:16:14


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "affiliation" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She declared her affiliation with the Democratic Party during the campaign. 她在竞选期间宣布她的党派是民主党。

2. The university has an affiliation with several local hospitals for medical research. 这所大学与几家地方医院有医学研究的合作关系。

3. The organization has no political affiliations and remains neutral in all matters. 这个组织没有政治关联,对所有事务保持中立。

4. His affiliation with the company dates back to his days as an intern. 他与这家公司的关系可以追溯到他实习的时候。

5. Membership in the association requires affiliation with a recognized industry body. 加入该协会需要与认可的行业组织有关联。

6. The team's affiliation with the national league brings added prestige to their victories. 球队与国家联赛的关联为他们的胜利增添了声望。

7. She maintained her affiliation with the alumni network long after graduation. 她毕业后长期保持与校友网络的关联。

8. His affiliation with the research institute provided valuable resources for his project. 他与研究所的关联为他的项目提供了宝贵的资源。

9. Affiliation with certain groups can enhance career prospects in specific industries. 与特定群体的关联可以提升在特定行业的职业前景。

10. The artist's affiliation with a prominent gallery boosted her reputation in the art world. 艺术家与知名画廊的关联提升了她在艺术界的声誉。

11. The newspaper maintains no affiliation with any political party to ensure unbiased reporting. 该报纸与任何政党都没有关联,以确保报道不偏不倚。

12. His affiliation with environmental causes led him to become an advocate for sustainability. 他与环保事业的关联使他成为了可持续性倡导者。

13. Affiliation with reputable brands helps businesses build trust with consumers. 与知名品牌的关联帮助企业与消费者建立信任。

14. Their affiliation with the university grants them access to cutting-edge research facilities. 他们与大学的关联使他们能够进入先进的研究设施。

15. She severed all affiliations with her previous employer upon starting her own business. 她在创业后断绝了与以前雇主的所有关联。


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