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时间: 2024-09-20 20:14:32



1. Picasso and Braque were pioneers of cubism, a movement that revolutionized modern art. (毕加索和布拉克是立体派的先驱,这一运动彻底改变了现代艺术。)

2. Analytical cubism aimed to deconstruct forms into geometric shapes and facets. (分析立体派旨在将形式分解为几何形状和面。)

3. In cubism, objects are depicted from multiple viewpoints simultaneously. (在立体派中,物体同时呈现多个视角。)

4. The cubist painters shattered traditional notions of perspective and representation. (立体派画家颠覆了传统的透视和表现形式。)

5. Juan Gris developed his own distinctive style within the cubist movement. (胡安·格里斯在立体派运动中发展出了自己独特的风格。)

6. Synthetic cubism introduced collage and brighter colors into the art form. (综合立体派引入了拼贴和更明亮的色彩到艺术形式中。)

7. Cubism challenged viewers to see beyond the surface and explore deeper meanings. (立体派挑战观众超越表面,探索更深层的含义。)

8. The influence of cubism extended beyond painting to sculpture and architecture. (立体派的影响不仅限于绘画,还延伸到雕塑和建筑。)

9. Cubism emerged in the early 20th century as a response to changing social and cultural landscapes. (立体派在20世纪初期出现,作为对不断变化的社会和文化景观的回应。)

10. Artists like Fernand Léger embraced cubism while infusing their own interpretations. (费尔南·莱热等艺术家接受了立体派,并融入了他们自己的解读。)

11. The fragmented compositions of cubism challenged traditional notions of unity in art. (立体派的片段化构图挑战了艺术中传统的统一观念。)

12. Cubism laid the groundwork for later abstract and non-representational art movements. (立体派为后来的抽象和非表现主义艺术运动奠定了基础。)

13. The influence of African masks can be seen in the angular forms of early cubist paintings. (非洲面具的影响可以在早期立体派绘画的角形形式中看出。)

14. Cubism sought to capture the essence of objects through fragmented forms and perspectives. (立体派通过片段化的形式和视角试图捕捉物体的本质。)

15. The legacy of cubism continues to inspire contemporary artists to experiment with form and structure. (立体派的遗产继续激发当代艺术家进行形式和结构的实验。)


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