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时间: 2024-09-21 03:01:46



1. She advocated for a more humanistic approach to healthcare, emphasizing empathy and patient-centered care. (她主张采取更人文化的医疗方法,强调同理心和以患者为中心的护理。)

2. The university emphasizes a humanistic education that focuses on critical thinking and ethical reasoning. (该大学强调注重批判性思维和道德推理的人文教育。)

3. Humanistic psychology emphasizes the importance of personal growth and self-actualization. (人本主义心理学强调个人成长和自我实现的重要性。)

4. The humanistic perspective in literature explores themes of individuality and the human experience. (文学中的人文主义视角探索个性和人类经验的主题。)

5. His paintings reflect a humanistic concern for social justice and equality. (他的画作反映了对社会正义和平等的人文关怀。)

6. The humanistic values of tolerance and respect are essential for building a harmonious society. (包容和尊重的人文价值对建设和谐社会至关重要。)

7. Humanistic approaches to education aim to develop students' creativity and critical thinking skills. (人文主义教育方法旨在培养学生的创造力和批判性思维能力。)

8. The organization promotes a humanistic approach to environmental conservation, emphasizing sustainable practices. (该组织倡导以人为本的环境保护方法,强调可持续的实践。)

9. She wrote a humanistic novel that explores the complexities of human relationships. (她写了一部探索人际关系复杂性的人文小说。)

10. Humanistic architecture integrates functionality with aesthetic beauty, aiming to enhance human well-being. (人文主义建筑将功能性与美学美感结合,旨在提升人类福祉。)

11. The philosophy professor's lectures often touched on humanistic themes such as freedom and existentialism. (哲学教授的讲座经常涉及自由和存在主义等人文主义主题。)

12. Humanistic values underpin many international declarations on human rights and dignity. (人文主义价值支撑着许多关于人权和尊严的国际宣言。)

13. The artist's work embodies a humanistic perspective on the beauty and diversity of nature. (艺术家的作品体现了对自然之美和多样性的人文视角。)

14. Humanistic management practices prioritize the well-being of employees alongside organizational success. (人文管理实践将员工的福祉与组织的成功同等重视。)

15. The novel's exploration of humanistic ideals resonated deeply with readers seeking deeper meaning in life. (这部小说对追求生活深层意义的读者产生了深远的共鸣,探索了人文主义理想。)


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