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时间: 2024-09-21 08:03:00


当然,请看以下关于 "hedonistic" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. He led a hedonistic lifestyle, constantly seeking pleasure and avoiding responsibility. (他过着享乐主义的生活,不断追求快乐,避免责任。)

2. The novel portrays a group of hedonistic characters who indulge in excess and luxury. (这部小说描绘了一群沉溺于过度和奢华的享乐主义者。)

3. Her hedonistic tendencies led her to spend all her money on lavish vacations. (她的享乐主义倾向导致她把所有钱都花在奢侈的度假上。)

4. The artist's paintings reflect a hedonistic celebration of color and form. (这位艺术家的画作反映了对色彩和形式的享乐主义式的赞美。)

5. The club became known for its hedonistic parties that lasted until dawn. (这个俱乐部因其一直持续到黎明的放荡派对而闻名。)

6. In the movie, the protagonist embraces a hedonistic philosophy, living for pleasure alone. (在电影中,主人公接受了享乐主义的哲学,只为了快乐而活。)

7. The hedonistic culture of the ancient Romans included extravagant feasts and lavish entertainment. (古罗马人的享乐主义文化包括奢华的盛宴和豪华的娱乐。)

8. She rejected the hedonistic values of her peers and focused instead on academic achievements. (她摒弃了同龄人的享乐主义价值观,而是专注于学业成就。)

9. The city is known for its hedonistic nightlife, drawing tourists from around the world. (这座城市因其放纵的夜生活而闻名,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。)

10. His hedonistic pursuit of pleasure led to neglect of his health and responsibilities. (他对快乐的享乐主义追求导致忽视了他的健康和责任。)

11. The novel critiques modern society's hedonistic obsession with material wealth. (这部小说批判了现代社会对物质财富的享乐主义迷恋。)

12. They lived a hedonistic existence, focusing solely on enjoying the present moment. (他们过着纯粹享乐的生活,只专注于享受当下。)

13. The resort caters to those seeking a hedonistic escape from their daily routines. (这个度假胜地专门迎合那些想要从日常生活中逃离的享乐主义者。)

14. Despite his reputation for hedonistic excess, he was a deeply introspective individual. (尽管他以过度放纵的享乐主义而闻名,但他是一个深思熟虑的人。)

15. The play explores the consequences of a hedonistic society devoid of moral boundaries. (这部戏剧探讨了一个没有道德界限的享乐主义社会的后果。)

希望这些例句能够帮助您更好地理解和使用 "hedonistic" 这个词语。

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