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时间: 2024-09-21 13:10:27


Certainly! 这里有关于“centralization”(集权化)的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. The company decided on centralization of decision-making to streamline operations. (公司决定集权化决策,以优化运营。)

2. Centralization of power in the hands of a few can lead to inefficiencies. (权力集中在少数人手中可能导致效率低下。)

3. The government's centralization of resources improved coordination among different departments. (政府资源的集权化改善了各部门之间的协调。)

4. The centralization of data storage helped enhance data security measures. (数据存储的集权化有助于加强数据安全措施。)

5. Many argue that centralization of authority stifles innovation. (许多人认为权力集中会抑制创新。)

6. The decision to centralize customer support services was met with mixed reactions. (集中客户支持服务的决定引起了各种不同的反应。)

7. The company's centralization policy aimed to standardize procedures across all branches. (公司的集权化政策旨在统一各个分支机构的流程。)

8. Centralization of financial controls was necessary to prevent misuse of funds. (财务控制的集权化是防止资金滥用的必要手段。)

9. The school district opted for centralization of curriculum development to ensure consistency in education standards. (学区选择集权化课程开发,以确保教育标准的一致性。)

10. Critics argue that centralization of decision-making reduces responsiveness to local needs. (批评者认为,决策集权化会降低对地方需求的响应能力。)

11. The centralization of healthcare services led to better resource allocation in rural areas. (医疗服务的集权化导致农村地区资源分配更加合理。)

12. Centralization of production facilities helped the company achieve economies of scale. (生产设施的集权化帮助公司实现规模经济。)

13. The centralization of legal services within the organization reduced legal costs. (组织内法律服务的集权化降低了法律成本。)

14. Centralization of training programs ensured consistent employee development practices. (培训项目的集权化确保了一致的员工发展实践。)

15. Some countries have decentralized certain powers after experiencing the drawbacks of excessive centralization. (一些国家在经历了过度集权化的弊端后,开始分散某些权力。)


上一个 【英语】industrialization的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】authorization的例句




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