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时间: 2024-09-21 09:58:00


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "relievo" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The artist used relievo techniques to bring depth to the sculpture. (艺术家使用浮雕技术使雕塑更有立体感。)

2. The relievo on the ancient temple walls depicted scenes from mythology. (古代寺庙墙壁上的浮雕描绘了神话中的场景。)

3. The book cover had a beautiful relievo of intricate floral patterns. (书籍封面上有精美复杂的花卉图案浮雕。)

4. The cathedral's doors were adorned with relievo carvings of saints and angels. (大教堂的门上装饰着圣徒和天使的浮雕雕刻。)

5. He admired the ancient Greek vase for its delicate relievo of warriors in battle. (他欣赏古希腊花瓶上战士战斗场景的精致浮雕。)

6. The museum displayed a collection of relievo sculptures from various periods. (博物馆展示了各个时期的浮雕雕塑收藏品。)

7. The palace walls were covered with gold leaf and relievo designs. (宫殿的墙壁覆盖着金箔和浮雕设计。)

8. The artist's signature style included intricate relievo details that captivated viewers. (艺术家的独特风格包括令观众着迷的精细浮雕细节。)

9. The tombstones in the cemetery featured relievo carvings of religious symbols. (墓地里的墓碑上刻有宗教符号的浮雕雕刻。)

10. The castle walls were decorated with shields bearing relievo emblems of noble families. (城堡的墙壁装饰着带有贵族家族浮雕纹章的盾牌。)

11. Her latest artwork incorporated a modern twist on traditional relievo techniques. (她的最新艺术作品融入了对传统浮雕技术的现代诠释。)

12. The museum curator explained the historical significance of the relievo sculptures on display. (博物馆馆长解释了展出的浮雕雕塑的历史意义。)

13. The reliquary box was adorned with silver filigree and relievo patterns. (圣骨匣上装饰着银丝和浮雕图案。)

14. The artist's studio was filled with sketches and models for upcoming relievo projects. (艺术家的工作室里堆满了未来浮雕项目的素描和模型。)

15. Students learned how to create relievo effects in their sculpture class. (学生们在雕塑课上学习如何制造浮雕效果。)


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