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时间: 2024-09-20 12:51:25


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "crematory" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The family gathered at the crematory to bid farewell to their loved one.

- 家人聚集在火葬场为逝去的亲人送别。

2. The crematory was located on a serene hilltop overlooking the city.

- 火葬场位于宁静的山顶,俯瞰着城市。

3. She felt a sense of closure after visiting the crematory where her father was cremated.

- 她在参观父亲火化的火葬场后感到了一种心灵的解脱。

4. The modern crematory was equipped with state-of-the-art facilities.

- 这座现代化的火葬场配备了最先进的设施。

5. The crematory operates around the clock to accommodate diverse cultural practices.

- 火葬场全天候运营,以适应多样化的文化习俗。

6. A small chapel adjacent to the crematory allowed mourners to pay their final respects.

- 火葬场旁边的小教堂让哀悼者能够最后告别逝者。

7. Smoke billowed from the crematory chimney, signaling another service had concluded.

- 火葬场的烟囱冒出了烟雾,表示又一场服务已经结束。

8. The crematory staff treated every family with utmost respect and empathy.

- 火葬场的工作人员以最大的尊重和同情对待每一个家庭。

9. They chose a biodegradable urn for the crematory process, aligning with environmental values.

- 他们选择了一个可生物降解的骨灰盒进行火葬,符合环保价值观。

10. The community raised funds to build a new crematory in the town.

- 社区筹集资金在城镇建造一个新的火葬场。

11. After the crematory service, they scattered the ashes in the ocean, per his wishes.

- 火葬服务结束后,他们按照他的意愿把骨灰撒在了海洋中。

12. The crematory garden provided a peaceful setting for quiet reflection.

- 火葬场的花园为安静的反思提供了一个宁静的环境。

13. The crematory operator explained the process to the family with compassion and clarity.

- 火葬场操作员以同情和清晰地向家人解释了整个过程。

14. A memorial plaque was placed near the entrance of the crematory to honor those who had passed.

- 在火葬场入口附近放置了一块纪念牌,以纪念那些已故的人。

15. The crematory was a solemn place, where emotions of loss and remembrance intertwined.

- 火葬场是一个庄严的地方,哀伤和纪念的情感交织在一起。

上一个 【英语】armory的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】bellicose的例句




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