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时间: 2024-09-20 12:01:03


Certainly! "Parquetry" refers to the art or technique of creating intricate patterns with pieces of wood in flooring or furniture. Here are 15 sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The ballroom floor was adorned with exquisite parquetry, showcasing a geometric design of oak and walnut. (舞厅的地板铺有精美的镶木地板,展示出橡木和胡桃木的几何设计。)

2. The old mansion featured parquetry floors in every room, each with its own unique pattern. (这座老宅的每个房间都铺设着镶木地板,每个房间的图案都独具特色。)

3. The craftsman spent weeks meticulously arranging the parquetry pieces to form a floral motif on the tabletop. (工匠花了几周时间精心摆放镶木地板的碎片,以形成桌面上的花卉图案。)

4. The palace's grand hallway was lined with parquetry that shimmered under the chandeliers. (宫殿的宏伟走廊铺设了镶木地板,在枝形吊灯的映衬下闪闪发光。)

5. She admired the parquetry panels on the antique cabinet, tracing the intricate patterns with her fingers. (她欣赏着古董柜子上的镶木地板,用手指追随着复杂的图案。)

6. The museum's restoration team carefully repaired the parquetry in the historic ballroom to preserve its original beauty. (博物馆的修复团队仔细修复了历史悠久的舞厅里的镶木地板,以保留其原始的美丽。)

7. The parquetry inlay on the library floor depicted scenes from ancient mythology, creating an atmosphere of scholarly elegance. (图书馆地板上的镶木地板插图描绘了古代神话中的场景,营造出一种学术雅致的氛围。)

8. His workshop was filled with the scent of freshly cut wood as he worked on the parquetry panels for the new furniture collection. (他的工作室弥漫着新鲜切割木材的香味,他正忙着制作新家具系列的镶木地板。)

9. The castle's dining hall boasted a parquetry floor that was a marvel of craftsmanship, attracting visitors from around the world. (城堡的餐厅拥有一块工艺精湛的镶木地板,吸引了全世界的游客。)

10. The parquetry laid in the cathedral chapel was designed to guide worshippers towards the altar, symbolizing a spiritual journey. (教堂礼拜堂里铺设的镶木地板设计旨在引导信徒走向祭坛,象征着一次精神之旅。)

11. In his studio, he experimented with different types of wood for the parquetry, blending traditional and modern techniques. (在他的工作室里,他尝试使用不同类型的木材制作镶木地板,融合传统和现代技术。)

12. The boutique hotel's lobby featured a striking parquetry design that complemented the elegant décor. (精品酒店的大堂采用了引人注目的镶木地板设计,与优雅的装饰相得益彰。)

13. The restoration of the historic theater included replicating the original parquetry floor pattern from archival photographs. (对历史剧院的修复工程包括根据档案照片复制原始的镶木地板图案。)

14. The artisan combined various shades of wood in the parquetry to create a subtle gradient effect across the tabletop. (工匠在镶木地板中结合了各种不同色调的木材,形成了桌面上的微妙渐变效果。)

15. The conference room was known for its acoustic excellence, partly due to the carefully crafted parquetry flooring that minimized sound reverberation. (会议室因其卓越的声学效果而闻名,部分原因是精心制作的镶木地板能够减少声音反响。)


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