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时间: 2024-09-20 13:07:01


Certainly! "Palmistry" refers to the practice of predicting a person's future or character from the lines on the palms of their hands. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. She consulted a palmistry expert to learn about her future.

- 她咨询了一位手相学专家,想了解自己的未来。

2. He was skeptical about palmistry but decided to try it for fun.

- 他对手相学持怀疑态度,但决定试试看,只是为了好玩。

3. Palmistry has been practiced for centuries in various cultures.

- 手相学在各种文化中已有几个世纪的历史。

4. The palmistry reading indicated a prosperous future ahead.

- 手相学的解读显示她未来将会兴旺发达。

5. Many people believe in the accuracy of palmistry readings.

- 许多人相信手相学解读的准确性。

6. He learned the basics of palmistry to entertain his friends at parties.

- 他学习了手相学的基础知识,以在派对上取悦朋友。

7. Her grandmother was skilled in the art of palmistry.

- 她的祖母精通手相学的艺术。

8. The palmistry session left him feeling intrigued about the future.

- 手相学的会话让他对未来感到好奇。

9. She studied palmistry as part of her cultural anthropology research.

- 她研究手相学作为文化人类学研究的一部分。

10. Palmistry is often considered a pseudoscience by skeptics.

- 手相学常被怀疑论者视为伪科学。

11. He attended a workshop to learn more about the intricacies of palmistry.

- 他参加了一个研讨会,想进一步了解手相学的复杂性。

12. In some cultures, palmistry is integrated into traditional medicine practices.

- 在一些文化中,手相学被融入传统的医疗实践中。

13. She had her palmistry done during a visit to a spiritual retreat.

- 她在一次灵修旅程中进行了手相学检查。

14. Palmistry readings can vary greatly depending on the interpreter's skill and approach.

- 手相学的解读可能因解释者的技能和方法而大不相同。

15. He dismissed palmistry as mere superstition without any scientific basis.

- 他认为手相学只是没有任何科学依据的迷信。


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