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时间: 2024-09-21 10:26:38


1. She received a commission to paint a portrait of the mayor.她收到了一笔委托,要为市长画一幅肖像。

2. The salesperson earns a commission on every item sold.销售人员每售出一件商品就赚取一笔佣金。

3. The commission is responsible for investigating complaints from the public.委员会负责调查公众的投诉。

4. The artist was commissioned to create a sculpture for the new building.艺术家受委托为新建筑创作一座雕塑。

5. The commission recommended that new safety measures be implemented.委员会建议实施新的安全措施。

6. She received a commission for referring a new client to the company.她因为介绍新客户给公司而获得了佣金。

7. The commission of inquiry was established to investigate the allegations of corruption.成立了调查委员会来调查腐败指控。

8. The artist was commissioned to paint a mural for the city's new library.艺术家受委托为市新图书馆绘制壁画。

9. The commission is responsible for overseeing the implementation of new policies.委员会负责监督新政策的实施。

10. He earned a commission for securing a large contract for the company.他因为为公司赢得一份大合同而获得了佣金。

11. The commission concluded that there was no evidence of wrongdoing.委员会得出结论称没有证据表明有不当行为。

12. The artist was commissioned to design the cover for the magazine.艺术家受委托为杂志设计封面。

13. The commission recommended that the building be renovated rather than demolished.委员会建议对建筑进行翻新,而不是拆除。

14. The salesperson's commission is based on the total amount of sales made.销售人员的佣金是根据总销售额来计算的。

15. The commission of experts will determine the best course of action.专家委员会将确定最佳行动方案。

16. The artist received a commission to create a sculpture for the public park.艺术家受委托为公园创作一座雕塑。

17. The commission will review the proposed changes before making a decision.委员会将在做出决定之前审查提出的变更。

18. The commission's report highlighted the need for improved communication within the organization.委员会的报告强调了组织内改善沟通的必要性。

19. She earned a commission for selling the most products in the department.她因为在部门里销售最多的产品而获得了佣金。

20. The commission will investigate the allegations of misconduct by the company's executives.委员会将调查公司高管的不当行为指控。

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