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时间: 2024-09-21 10:40:52


1. The modification of the original design improved its functionality.


2. The software requires constant modification to stay up-to-date with industry standards.


3. The modification of the recipe resulted in a more flavorful dish.


4. The car underwent several modifications to enhance its performance on the racetrack.


5. The modification of the contract was necessary to accommodate the new terms agreed upon by both parties.


6. The modification of his behavior was evident after he attended anger management classes.


7. The modification of the building plans required additional permits from the city council.


8. The modification of the dress involved altering the hemline and adding embellishments.


9. The modification of the regulations was met with mixed reactions from the public.


10. The modification of her hairstyle completely transformed her appearance.


11. The modification of the schedule allowed for more time to complete the project.


12. The modification of the policy was necessary to address the changing needs of the company.


13. The modification of the workout routine led to better results in a shorter amount of time.


14. The modification of the painting involved adding more vibrant colors to make it stand out.


15. The modification of the rules was necessary to ensure fair competition among all participants.


16. The modification of the software code fixed the bug that was causing the program to crash.


17. The modification of the recipe made it suitable for those with dietary restrictions.


18. The modification of the contract terms required approval from both parties involved.


19. The modification of the house plans allowed for an additional bedroom to be added.


20. The modification of his attitude towards work resulted in a promotion within the company.


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