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时间: 2024-09-20 09:03:58


1. I was disappointed to hear that the concert was cancelled.


2. She was disappointed by her friend's lack of support.


3. The movie was a big disappointment.


4. I don't want to disappoint my parents by failing my exams.


5. The team's performance in the game was a huge disappointment.


6. It's disappointing that we couldn't make it to the party.


7. I was disappointed in the quality of the product.


8. She tried her best not to disappoint her boss.


9. It's disappointing to see how little progress has been made.


10. He was disappointed with his own performance in the competition.


11. 我对他的行为感到失望。

(I was disappointed by his behavior.)

12. 这个结果令人失望。

(The result is disappointing.)

13. 她的表现让我感到失望。

(I was disappointed by her performance.)

14. 他对自己的成绩感到失望。

(He was disappointed with his grades.)

15. 我们都对这次失败感到失望。

(We were all disappointed by the failure.)

16. 这个消息令人失望。

(The news is disappointing.)

17. 他的表现不尽人意,让我感到失望。

(His performance was disappointing to me.)

18. 这个结果远远达不到我们的期望,令人失望。

(The result was far below our expectations, disappointing.)

19. 我们对他的行为感到失望。

(We were disappointed by his behavior.)

20. 他的表现令我感到失望。

(His performance was disappointing to me.)

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