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时间: 2024-09-20 13:01:13


1. She was happy and content with her life. (她对自己的生活感到满足和快乐。)

2. The website has a lot of valuable content for students. (这个网站有很多对学生有价值的内容。)

3. He couldn't find any content in the book that interested him. (他找不到任何让他感兴趣的书籍内容。)

4. The content of the presentation was well-researched and informative. (演示的内容经过了深入的研究,信息量很大。)

5. She was content to spend the evening at home with a good book. (她很满足地在家里度过了一个晚上,看着一本好书。)

6. The content of the email was inappropriate and offensive. (邮件内容不当,令人反感。)

7. The content of the meeting was kept confidential. (会议内容保密。)

8. The company is responsible for creating all the content on their website. (公司负责在他们的网站上创建所有内容。)

9. The content of the movie was so violent that it received an R rating. (电影内容太暴力,获得了R级别评级。)

10. She found the content of the book to be thought-provoking and insightful. (她觉得这本书的内容发人深省,富有洞察力。)

11. The content on social media platforms should be monitored to prevent harmful material from spreading. (社交媒体平台上的内容应该受到监控,以防止有害材料传播。)

12. The teacher asked the students to summarize the content of the textbook for their homework. (老师要求学生总结教科书的内容作为家庭作业。)

13. The website's content was updated regularly to keep visitors engaged. (网站的内容定期更新,以保持访客的兴趣。)

14. The content of the report was well-organized and easy to follow. (报告的内容组织得井井有条,易于理解。)

15. She was content to spend the day exploring the city on her own. (她很满足地独自在城市里探索一天。)

16. The content of the article was biased and lacked objectivity. (这篇文章的内容带有偏见,缺乏客观性。)

17. The content of the book was so engaging that she couldn't put it down. (这本书的内容非常吸引人,她读得津津有味。)

18. The content of the lecture was difficult to understand without prior knowledge of the subject. (没有先验知识,很难理解讲座内容。)

19. The content of the website was tailored to appeal to a younger audience. (网站的内容经过调整,以吸引年轻观众。)

20. She felt content with the decisions she had made in her life. (她对自己在生活中做出的决定感到满意。)

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