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时间: 2024-09-21 10:13:54


1. The bull charged at the matador with great ferocity.(公牛向斗牛士猛冲过去)

2. The rancher raised a herd of bulls for breeding.(牧场主饲养了一群公牛用于繁殖)

3. The bull pawed the ground and snorted angrily.(公牛在地上刨着蹄子,愤怒地哼着)

4. The bull market has been driving up stock prices.(牛市一直推动着股票价格上涨)

5. The bull gored the matador with its horns.(公牛用角把斗牛士刺伤了)

6. The bull's bellow echoed through the valley.(公牛的吼叫声在山谷中回荡)

7. The bull was released into the arena for the bullfight.(公牛被释放到斗牛场进行斗牛)

8. The bull was a symbol of strength and power in many ancient cultures.(公牛在许多古代文化中是力量和权力的象征)

9. The bull's muscles rippled as it charged forward.(公牛冲向前时肌肉波动)

10. The bullfighter dodged the bull's charge with quick reflexes.(斗牛士用敏捷的反应躲开了公牛的冲锋)

11. The bull was the dominant male in the herd.(公牛是群里的优势雄性)

12. The bull's horns were sharp and dangerous.(公牛的角锋利而危险)

13. The bull snorted and stamped its feet in the pen.(公牛在围栏内哼着,踩着脚)

14. The bull was known for its aggressive behavior.(这头公牛以其攻击性行为而出名)

15. The bull's owner was proud of his prized animal.(公牛的主人为他的宝贝动物感到自豪)

16. The bull was a key player in the annual rodeo.(公牛是年度牛仔竞技表演中的关键角色)

17. The bull's hooves dug into the soft earth as it charged.(公牛冲锋时蹄子深深地踩进松软的泥土中)

18. The bull's massive size was intimidating.(公牛的巨大体型让人望而生畏)

19. The bull's eyes glinted with a fierce determination.(公牛的眼睛闪烁着凶猛的决心)

20. The matador taunted the bull with his red cape.(斗牛士用红色斗篷挑逗公牛)


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