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时间: 2024-09-21 14:19:56


1. The charter allows students to form clubs and organizations on campus. 这项章程允许学生在校园内组建俱乐部和组织。

2. The charter outlines the rights and responsibilities of the company's board of directors. 这份章程概述了公司董事会的权利和责任。

3. The charter guarantees freedom of speech for all citizens. 这项宪章保障所有公民的言论自由。

4. The charter flight was delayed due to bad weather. 由于天气不好,包机航班延误了。

5. The organization was granted a charter by the government to operate as a non-profit. 该组织获得了政府颁发的章程,以非盈利形式运作。

6. The charter bus will pick up the tourists at the airport and take them to the hotel. 包车将在机场接待游客,并将他们送到酒店。

7. The charter company offers fishing trips to remote locations. 这家包船公司提供到偏远地区的钓鱼旅行。

8. The charter school focuses on a specialized curriculum for gifted students. 这所特许学校专注于为有天赋的学生提供专业课程。

9. The charter states that all members must abide by the code of conduct. 章程规定所有成员必须遵守行为准则。

10. The charter airline provides flights to popular vacation destinations. 包机航空公司提供飞往热门度假目的地的航班。

11. The charter company offers sailing trips along the coast. 这家包船公司提供沿海的帆船旅行。

12. The charter allows the organization to operate independently from government control. 这项章程允许该组织独立于政府控制下运作。

13. The charter flight was full of excited tourists ready for their vacation. 包机航班上坐满了准备度假的兴奋游客。

14. The charter school focuses on personalized learning for each student. 这所特许学校注重为每个学生提供个性化的学习。

15. The charter company provides private jet rentals for business executives. 这家包机公司为商务高管提供私人飞机租赁服务。

16. The charter states that all members have equal voting rights. 章程规定所有成员享有平等的投票权。

17. The charter flight was a convenient option for the group traveling together. 包机航班对于一起旅行的团体来说是一个方便的选择。

18. The charter school offers a challenging curriculum for academically advanced students. 这所特许学校为学术上优秀的学生提供有挑战性的课程。

19. The charter company specializes in luxury yacht charters. 这家包船公司专门从事豪华游艇租赁。

20. The charter outlines the procedures for electing new board members. 这份章程概述了选举新董事会成员的程序。

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