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时间: 2024-09-21 10:33:16


1. The melancholy music filled the room, creating a somber atmosphere.

2. She couldn't shake off the feeling of melancholy after hearing the news of her friend's passing.

3. The painting depicted a scene of melancholy, with dark colors and a sense of sadness.

4. He often lingers in a state of melancholy, reflecting on the past and feeling a sense of longing.

5. The rainy weather always brings a feeling of melancholy to her.

6. The old man's melancholy gaze revealed a lifetime of sorrow and regret.

7. The melancholy of the autumn season always makes her feel nostalgic.

8. The melancholy in her eyes was unmistakable, reflecting the pain she was feeling.

9. The melancholy in his voice was evident as he spoke about his lost love.

10. The melancholy of the abandoned house was palpable, with its peeling paint and broken windows.

11. The melancholy of the situation weighed heavily on her heart.

12. The melancholy of the poem touched the hearts of all who read it.

13. His melancholy personality made it difficult for him to find joy in life.

14. The melancholy melody of the piano piece brought tears to her eyes.

15. The melancholy of the story left a lasting impression on the audience.

16. The melancholy of the sunset cast a beautiful but sorrowful light on the landscape.

17. The melancholy of the war-torn city was visible in the eyes of its inhabitants.

18. Her melancholy disposition made it hard for her to find happiness in everyday life.

19. The melancholy of the novel's ending left readers feeling a sense of loss.

20. The melancholy of the funeral hung heavy in the air, as friends and family mourned their loss.


1. 忧郁的音乐充满了房间,营造出一种沉重的氛围。

2. 听到朋友去世的消息后,她无法摆脱忧郁的情绪。

3. 这幅画描绘了一幅忧郁的场景,色彩深沉,充满了悲伤的感觉。

4. 他经常陷入忧郁的状态,反思过去,感到一种思乡之情。

5. 阴雨天气总是让她感到忧郁。

6. 老人忧郁的目光透露出一生的悲伤和遗憾。

7. 秋天的忧郁总是让她感到怀旧。

8. 她眼中的忧郁是显而易见的,反映了她的痛苦。

9. 他说话时的忧郁是显而易见的,反映了他对失去爱情的痛苦。

10. 废弃房屋的忧郁是明显的,墙壁剥落,窗户破碎。

11. 情况的忧郁沉重地压在她的心头。

12. 这首诗的忧郁触动了所有读者的心。

13. 他忧郁的个性使他很难在生活中找到快乐。

14. 钢琴曲忧郁的旋律让她流下了眼泪。

15. 故事的忧郁给观众留下了深刻的印象。

16. 日落的忧郁给风景抹上了美丽而悲伤的光辉。

17. 城市战乱的忧郁在居民的眼中可见。

18. 她忧郁的性格让她很难在日常生活中找到幸福。

19. 小说结局的忧郁让读者感到失落。

20. 葬礼的忧郁笼罩在空气中,朋友和家人为他们的失去而哀悼。

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