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时间: 2024-09-20 10:22:40


1. The company hired an accountant to handle their financial records.


2. The accountant prepared the company's tax returns.


3. She decided to become an accountant because she enjoyed working with numbers.


4. The accountant discovered an error in the financial statements and corrected it.


5. He studied accounting in college and became a certified accountant after graduation.


6. The accountant advised the company on how to improve their financial management.


7. As an accountant, she is responsible for keeping track of all the company's expenses and revenues.


8. The accountant provided a detailed financial report to the company's board of directors.


9. The accountant is required to adhere to strict ethical standards in their profession.


10. The accountant's job is to ensure that the company's financial records are accurate and up to date.


11. 他的梦想是成为一名会计师。

(His dream is to become an accountant.)

12. 她在一家会计师事务所工作。

(She works at an accounting firm.)

13. 他的工作是审计公司的账目。

(His job is to audit the company's accounts.)

14. 她是一名注册会计师。

(She is a certified accountant.)

15. 他正在学习会计学。

(He is studying accounting.)

16. 她在公司负责财务管理。

(She is in charge of financial management at the company.)

17. 他负责编制公司的财务报表。

(He is responsible for preparing the company's financial statements.)

18. 她在公司担任会计主管。

(She serves as the accounting manager at the company.)

19. 他在一家国际会计师事务所工作。

(He works at an international accounting firm.)

20. 她的工作是处理客户的税务申报。

(Her job is to handle clients' tax returns.)

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