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时间: 2024-09-20 12:03:00


1. He spoke with malice in his voice, intending to hurt her feelings. (恶意)

2. The detective suspected that the crime was committed with malice aforethought. (故意)

3. She spread malicious rumors about her co-worker to tarnish her reputation. (恶意的)

4. The defendant denied any malice towards the victim, claiming it was an accident. (恶意)

5. The malicious software infected his computer and stole his personal information. (恶意的)

6. The malicious gossip caused a rift between the two friends. (恶意的)

7. The judge ruled that the defendant acted with malice and sentenced him to a longer prison term. (恶意)

8. He couldn't hide the malice in his eyes as he confronted his rival. (恶意)

9. The malicious hacker gained unauthorized access to the company's database. (恶意的)

10. The malice in her heart consumed her and led her to seek revenge. (恶意)

11. The malicious comments on social media hurt her deeply. (恶意的)

12. The prosecutor argued that the defendant's actions were driven by malice and not self-defense. (恶意)

13. She couldn't understand why her friend would act with such malice towards her. (恶意)

14. The malicious intent behind his actions became apparent as his scheme unfolded. (恶意的)

15. The malicious prank caused damage to the school property. (恶意的)

16. Despite their differences, he didn't harbor any malice towards his ex-wife. (恶意)

17. The malicious email contained a virus that infected his computer. (恶意的)

18. The defendant's malice towards the victim was evident in the brutal nature of the crime. (恶意)

19. The malicious comments online led to a public outcry and demands for stricter regulations. (恶意的)

20. She couldn't hide her malice towards her sister, often making snide remarks about her. (恶意)

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