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时间: 2024-09-20 13:13:57


1. I have a degree in accounting and finance.


2. The company hired a new accounting firm to handle their books.


3. She is responsible for the accounting of all the company's expenses.


4. The accounting department is working on the year-end financial reports.


5. I need to consult with the accounting team before making any financial decisions.


6. The accounting software makes it easy to track expenses and income.


7. I'm studying for my accounting certification exam.


8. The accounting principles must be followed in order to maintain accurate financial records.


9. The accounting department is responsible for preparing the company's tax returns.


10. She has a keen eye for detail, which makes her a great fit for the accounting team.


11. 会计工作需要精确细致的处理财务记录和报表。

(Accounting requires precise and meticulous handling of financial records and reports.)

12. 他们正在审查公司的财务报表以确保准确性。

(They are reviewing the company's financial statements to ensure accuracy.)

13. 会计师必须遵守行业规范和法律法规。

(Accountants must adhere to industry standards and regulations.)

14. 我们需要一个有经验的会计师来管理我们的财务。

(We need an experienced accountant to manage our finances.)

15. 会计软件可以自动化许多繁琐的任务。

(Accounting software can automate many tedious tasks.)

16. 他们正在进行年度财务审计。

(They are conducting the annual financial audit.)

17. 她的会计知识使她成为了公司的财务主管。

(Her accounting knowledge has made her the company's financial controller.)

18. 他们正在进行成本核算以确定产品的生产成本。

(They are conducting cost accounting to determine the production costs of the products.)

19. 会计制度的规范是确保财务透明度和合规性的重要组成部分。

(Regulations in accounting are an important part of ensuring financial transparency and compliance.)

20. 他们正在进行税务筹划以最大程度地减少税负。

(They are conducting tax planning to minimize the tax burden.)

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