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时间: 2024-09-20 06:49:16


1. The pianissimo passage in the symphony required the orchestra to play very softly. (交响乐中的pianissimo段落要求乐队演奏非常轻柔。)

2. She sang the final note pianissimo, fading away to a delicate whisper. (她以pianissimo演唱最后一个音符,渐渐淡出成了一个精致的细语。)

3. The pianissimo section of the piece created a sense of intimacy and vulnerability. (曲子的pianissimo部分营造出一种亲密和脆弱的感觉。)

4. The pianissimo marking in the score indicated that the music should be played very softly. (谱上的pianissimo标记表示音乐应该演奏得非常轻柔。)

5. The pianissimo section of the ballet was performed with such delicacy and control. (芭蕾舞中的pianissimo部分演绎得如此细腻和控制有度。)

6. The pianissimo notes of the piano echoed through the concert hall. (钢琴的pianissimo音符在音乐厅中回荡。)

7. The pianissimo passage evoked a sense of tranquility and calm. (pianissimo段落唤起了一种宁静和平静的感觉。)

8. The pianissimo section of the sonata required the pianist to play with exquisite softness. (奏鸣曲的pianissimo部分要求钢琴家以精致的柔和演奏。)

9. The pianissimo ending left the audience in a state of hushed admiration. (pianissimo的结尾让观众陷入了一种静谧的敬佩之情。)

10. The pianissimo melody floated gently through the air. (pianissimo的旋律轻轻飘过空气。)

11. The pianissimo section of the opera conveyed a sense of vulnerability and longing. (歌剧中的pianissimo部分传达出一种脆弱和渴望的感觉。)

12. The pianissimo section required the string quartet to play with the utmost delicacy. (pianissimo部分要求弦乐四重奏以极度的细腻演奏。)

13. The pianissimo notes of the flute blended seamlessly with the other instruments. (长笛的pianissimo音符与其他乐器无缝地融合在一起。)

14. The pianissimo section of the concerto was performed with exquisite control and precision. (协奏曲的pianissimo部分以精致的控制和精准的演奏。)

15. The pianissimo passage gradually faded into silence. (pianissimo段落渐渐消失在寂静中。)

16. The pianissimo marking indicated that the music should be played at a barely audible volume. (pianissimo标记表示音乐应该以几乎听不见的音量演奏。)

17. The pianissimo section of the composition required the choir to sing with a hushed, ethereal quality. (作品的pianissimo部分要求合唱团以一种静谧、空灵的品质演唱。)

18. The pianissimo passage added a sense of intimacy and introspection to the music. (pianissimo段落为音乐增添了一种亲密和内省的感觉。)

19. The pianissimo notes of the violin floated delicately above the accompanying orchestra. (小提琴的pianissimo音符在伴奏乐队上方轻盈飘动。)

20. The pianissimo section of the composition required the pianist to play with a whisper-like touch. (作品的pianissimo部分要求钢琴家以一种细语般的触感演奏。)

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