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时间: 2024-09-20 06:53:11


1. We need to allocate more ressources to marketing in order to reach our sales targets.(我们需要将更多资源分配到市场营销,以实现销售目标。)

2. The company has limited ressources, so we have to prioritize our projects carefully.(公司资源有限,因此我们必须仔细优先考虑我们的项目。)

3. The ressources of the organization were stretched thin during the economic downturn.(在经济低迷期间,组织的资源被削减得很少。)

4. The ressources required to develop the new software were substantial.(开发新软件所需的资源是相当大的。)

5. The ressources available for the project were insufficient, leading to delays.(项目可用的资源不足,导致了延迟。)

6. The ressources at our disposal are not enough to meet the demands of the growing market.(我们手头的资源不足以满足不断增长的市场需求。)

7. We need to pool our ressources and work together to tackle this issue.(我们需要集中资源,共同解决这个问题。)

8. The ressources invested in employee training have resulted in improved productivity.(投入员工培训的资源已经带来了生产率的提高。)

9. The ressources of the country were mobilized to respond to the natural disaster.(国家资源被调动起来应对自然灾害。)

10. The ressources allocated to research and development have led to groundbreaking innovations.(分配给研发的资源已经带来了突破性的创新。)

11. 我们需要更多的人力和物力资源来支持这个项目的实施。(We need more human and material resources to support the implementation of this project.)

12. 由于资源有限,我们必须寻求有效的解决方案。(Due to limited resources, we must seek effective solutions.)

13. 公司的资源正在不断增长,这是一个很好的迹象。(The company's resources are growing steadily, which is a good sign.)

14. 这个项目所需的资源超出了我们的预期。(The resources required for this project exceeded our expectations.)

15. 他们正在努力寻找新的资源以支持他们的扩张计划。(They are working hard to find new resources to support their expansion plans.)

16. 管理资源是一个复杂的任务,需要仔细的规划和分配。(Managing resources is a complex task that requires careful planning and allocation.)

17. 这个国家的资源丰富,但缺乏有效的管理和利用。(The country is rich in resources, but lacks effective management and utilization.)

18. 资源的有效利用对环境保护至关重要。(Efficient use of resources is crucial for environmental protection.)

19. 这个项目需要大量的人力资源和技术资源。(This project requires a large amount of human and technical resources.)

20. 他们正在努力寻找新的资源以支持他们的扩张计划。(They are working hard to find new resources to support their expansion plans.)

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