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时间: 2024-09-20 11:17:08


1. The citron tree in my backyard is full of ripe fruit.


2. The cocktail was garnished with a slice of citron.


3. Citron is often used in cooking and baking for its unique flavor.


4. The citron's bright yellow color adds a pop of brightness to the dish.


5. I like to add a squeeze of citron to my tea for a refreshing taste.


6. The citron has a thick rind and a strong, tangy flavor.


7. The citron is often used to make marmalade and preserves.


8. The fragrance of citron filled the air as we walked through the citrus grove.


9. The citron's tartness adds a zing to the salad dressing.


10. The citron's juice is often used as a natural cleaning agent due to its acidity.


11. 柠檬汁常被用来制作饮料和酱料。

12. 柠檬的酸味为菜肴增添了一种独特的风味。

13. 这道甜点上洒满了柠檬皮碎,增添了一丝清新的香气。

14. 柠檬油被用于制作香水和护肤品。

15. 柠檬酸是柠檬中的一种有机酸,常被用作食品添加剂。

16. 这款饮料中加入了柠檬片,让口感更加清爽。

17. 柠檬茶具有提神醒脑的效果。

18. 柠檬酸对于食品加工和保鲜起着重要作用。

19. 柠檬的果实可以用来制作果冻和冰淇淋。

20. 柠檬皮富含营养,可以用来制作柠檬皮蜜饯。

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