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时间: 2024-09-21 10:08:17


1. She lay immobile on the hospital bed, unable to move due to her injuries.(她因受伤而无法动弹,躺在医院病床上。)

2. The car's immobile engine left them stranded on the side of the road.(汽车发动机无法启动,让他们滞留在路边。)

3. The old man sat immobile in his armchair, lost in thought.(老人坐在扶手椅上一动不动,陷入了沉思。)

4. The immobile statue stood in the center of the town square, a symbol of the city's history.(那座不动的雕像矗立在市中心的广场上,是城市历史的象征。)

5. The snail remained immobile, its shell providing protection from predators.(蜗牛一动不动,壳能保护它免受捕食者的侵袭。)

6. The immobile line at the airport security checkpoint frustrated the travelers.(机场安检口处的不动的排队让旅客感到沮丧。)

7. After the earthquake, the immobile buildings were deemed unsafe for occupation.(地震后,那些不动的建筑被认为不适合居住。)

8. The cat remained immobile, patiently waiting for the mouse to emerge from its hole.(猫一动不动,耐心地等待着老鼠从洞里出来。)

9. The immobile patient required round-the-clock care from the nursing staff.(不动的病人需要全天候的护理。)

10. The immobile machinery in the factory needed to be repaired before production could resume.(工厂里不动的机器需要修理才能恢复生产。)

11. 他因腿部受伤而无法行走,只能一动不动地躺在床上。

12. 那座山峰看起来如此巍峨,仿佛是一座不动的巨人屹立在那里。

13. 她的眼睛盯着屏幕,一动不动,完全沉浸在她正在看的电影中。

14. 在这个寒冷的冬天,湖面上的水已经结冰,成了一片不动的冰面。

15. 那个孩子因害怕而一动不动地站在那里,不敢向前走。

16. 老师的严厉目光让学生们一动不动地坐在座位上,不敢出声。

17. 这块废弃的土地上长满了杂草,看起来像是一片不动的荒地。

18. 暴风雨过后,树木倒塌在地上,成了一片不动的废墟。

19. 她的脑子一片空白,仿佛一动不动的湖水般静止不动。

20. 那只兔子在草地上一动不动,仿佛在等待着什么。

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