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时间: 2024-09-20 08:54:11


1. She could feel her heart béat faster as she approached the finish line. (她感到心跳加快,当她接近终点线。)

2. The rhythmic béat of the drums filled the air with energy. (鼓的有节奏的敲击充满了空气,带来了能量。)

3. His béat-up old car finally broke down on the side of the road. (他那辆破旧的车最终在路边抛锚了。)

4. The police officer could hear the distant béat of a nightclub as he patrolled the streets. (警察在巡逻时听到远处夜总会的节奏声。)

5. The singer's voice was perfectly in béat with the music. (歌手的声音与音乐完美地协调一致。)

6. The béat of the rain against the window was soothing to her ears. (雨滴打在窗户上的声音让她感到舒缓。)

7. The boxer's powerful éat knocked his opponent to the ground. (拳击手强有力的一击将对手击倒在地。)

8. The béat of the waves against the shore created a peaceful atmosphere. (海浪拍打着岸边,营造出宁静的氛围。)

9. His heart skipped a béat when he saw her walking towards him. (当他看到她走向他时,他的心跳漏了一拍。)

10. The dancer moved in perfect béat with the music, captivating the audience. (舞者与音乐完美地协调,吸引了观众。)

11. The steady béat of the metronome helped the pianist keep a consistent tempo. (节拍器的稳定节奏帮助钢琴家保持一致的速度。)

12. The sound of béat boxing echoed through the subway station. (Beatbox的声音在地铁站回响。)

13. The old man's heart continued to béat strong despite his age. (老人的心脏尽管年事已高,但依然坚韧地跳动着。)

14. The béat of the drum signaled the start of the ceremony. (鼓的敲击标志着仪式的开始。)

15. The béat of the music pulsed through the crowd at the concert. (音乐的节奏在音乐会上脉动着人群。)

16. The runner's béat echoed through the stadium as she crossed the finish line. (当跑步者越过终点线时,她的脚步声在体育场回荡着。)

17. The steady béat of the clock filled the room with a sense of urgency. (钟表稳定的滴答声让房间充满了紧迫感。)

18. The béat of the rain on the roof was a soothing lullaby. (雨滴打在屋顶上,像是一首舒缓的摇篮曲。)

19. The béat of her wings carried the butterfly gracefully through the air. (她翅膀的跳动使蝴蝶在空中优雅地飞翔。)

20. The intense béat of the music made it impossible not to dance. (音乐的激烈节奏让人忍不住想跳舞。)

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