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时间: 2024-09-21 10:03:52


1. He was a baron of industry, with a vast fortune and many business interests. (他是一个工业巨头,拥有巨大的财富和许多商业利益。)

2. The baron was known for his extravagant parties and lavish lifestyle. (这位男爵以他奢华的聚会和豪华的生活方式而闻名。)

3. The baroness was a patron of the arts and supported many cultural institutions. (这位女男爵是艺术的赞助人,支持许多文化机构。)

4. The baron owned a large estate in the countryside, complete with a hunting lodge and stables. (这位男爵拥有一处位于乡间的大庄园,里面有狩猎小屋和马厩。)

5. The baron was a skilled diplomat and negotiated many important treaties on behalf of his country. (这位男爵是一位熟练的外交家,代表他的国家谈判了许多重要条约。)

6. The baron's family had a long history of military service, and many of his ancestors had fought in wars. (这个男爵家族有着悠久的军事历史,许多祖先都曾参加战争。)

7. The baron was a generous philanthropist and donated large sums of money to charity. (这位男爵是一位慷慨的慈善家,向慈善机构捐赠了大笔资金。)

8. The baroness was a renowned horsewoman and competed in many equestrian events. (这位女男爵是一位著名的马术运动员,参加了许多马术比赛。)

9. The baron's castle was a magnificent sight, with its towering turrets and sweeping moat. (这个男爵的城堡是一个壮观的景象,拥有高耸的塔楼和宽广的护城河。)

10. The baron was a member of the aristocracy and enjoyed many privileges and social status. (这位男爵是贵族的成员,享有许多特权和社会地位。)

11. The baron's family had a coat of arms that was passed down through generations. (这个男爵家族有一个世代相传的家族纹章。)

12. The baron was a collector of rare books and manuscripts, and had a vast library in his home. (这位男爵是一位珍稀书籍和手稿的收藏家,在家里有一个庞大的图书馆。)

13. The baron was a skilled swordsman and had won many duels in his youth. (这位男爵是一名熟练的剑客,在年轻时赢得了许多决斗。)

14. The baroness was a talented musician and played the piano beautifully. (这位女男爵是一位才华横溢的音乐家,演奏钢琴非常动听。)

15. The baron was a devout Catholic and supported many religious causes. (这位男爵是一位虔诚的天主教徒,支持许多宗教事业。)

16. The baron's son was a dashing young man, with a quick wit and a charming personality. (这个男爵的儿子是一个英俊的年轻人,机智敏捷,个性迷人。)

17. The baron was a patron of the sciences and supported many scientific research projects. (这位男爵是科学的赞助人,支持许多科学研究项目。)

18. The baron was a skilled falconer and trained his birds to hunt game. (这位男爵是一名熟练的猎鹰师,训练他的鸟类猎捕猎物。)

19. The baroness was a fashion icon and set many trends with her elegant style. (这位女男爵是时尚偶像,以她优雅的风格创造了许多潮流。)

20. The baron was a respected member of society and was known for his integrity and leadership. (这位男爵是社会上备受尊敬的成员,以他的诚信和领导才能而闻名。)

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