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时间: 2024-09-20 14:34:57


1. The hilly terrain made it difficult for the cyclists to race.


2. We went for a hike in the hilly countryside.


3. The hilly landscape was dotted with small villages.


4. It's a hilly area, so be prepared for some steep climbs.


5. The hilly roads were treacherous in the rain.


6. The hilly region was known for its scenic beauty.


7. The hilly landscape was covered in a blanket of snow.


8. We enjoyed a picnic in the hilly meadows.


9. The hilly countryside was perfect for mountain biking.


10. The hilly terrain provided a challenging course for the cross-country runners.


11. 我们住在一个多山的地区,所以我们经常要爬很多坡。

(We live in a hilly area, so we often have to climb a lot of hills.)

12. 那个多山的地区以其壮丽的自然景观而闻名。

(The hilly region is famous for its stunning natural scenery.)

13. 在多山的地形上建造房屋可能会面临一些挑战。

(Building houses on hilly terrain can pose some challenges.)

14. 她喜欢在多山的地方徒步旅行,因为可以欣赏到壮丽的景色。

(She enjoys hiking in hilly places because she can enjoy the magnificent views.)

15. 这个多山的地区提供了丰富多样的户外活动选择。

(The hilly area offers a wide variety of outdoor activities.)

16. 这个国家有一些多山的地区,非常适合滑雪运动。

(This country has some hilly areas that are perfect for skiing.)

17. 我们度假去了一个多山的地方,可以远离城市的喧嚣。

(We went on vacation to a hilly place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.)

18. 多山的地形使得这个地区很难通行。

(The hilly terrain makes this area difficult to navigate.)

19. 这个小镇位于一个多山的地区,因此有许多美丽的远足径。

(The town is located in a hilly area, so there are many beautiful hiking trails.)

20. 在多山的地区开车需要特别小心。

(Driving in hilly areas requires extra caution.)

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