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时间: 2024-09-21 14:17:06


1. I have a dog, and I also have a cat.


2. She is a great singer, and she also plays the piano.


3. I love to read, and I also enjoy painting.


4. He is a doctor, and he also volunteers at a local clinic.


5. I enjoy swimming, and I also like to go hiking.


6. I have a full-time job, and I also go to school part-time.


7. She is a talented writer, and she also excels in public speaking.


8. I like to cook, and I also enjoy baking.


9. I have been to Paris, and I also visited London last year.


10. He speaks Spanish fluently, and he also knows some Italian.


11. She is a dancer, and she also teaches dance classes.


12. I have a black car, and I also have a white one.


13. He is a great cook, and he also enjoys gardening.


14. I love to travel, and I also enjoy trying new foods.


15. She is a talented artist, and she also plays the guitar.


16. I work as a teacher, and I also volunteer at a local shelter.


17. She is a great photographer, and she also enjoys writing.


18. I have two brothers, and I also have two sisters.


19. He is a talented musician, and he also enjoys painting.


20. I love to hike, and I also enjoy skiing in the winter.


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