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时间: 2024-09-21 02:10:27


1. The magician's performance never failed to amaze the audience.


2. I amaze myself with my own strength sometimes.


3. The beauty of the sunset never fails to amaze me.


4. The intricate details of the sculpture amazed everyone who saw it.


5. The speed at which she completed the project amazed her colleagues.


6. It amazes me how quickly technology is advancing.


7. The grandeur of the ancient ruins never fails to amaze visitors.


8. The little girl's talent for playing the piano amazed her parents.


9. The unexpected plot twist in the movie amazed the audience.


10. The scientists were amazed by the discovery of a new species of insect.


11. The view from the top of the mountain never fails to amaze me.


12. I am constantly amazed by my daughter's creativity.


13. The complexity of the human brain never ceases to amaze scientists.


14. The skill and precision of the acrobats amazed the audience.


15. The speed at which he solved the puzzle amazed everyone in the room.


16. The sheer size of the whale amazed the onlookers.


17. The resilience of the survivors amazed the rescue workers.


18. The beauty of the Taj Mahal never fails to amaze visitors.


19. The singer's powerful voice amazed the audience.


20. The ingenuity of the invention amazed the judges of the competition.


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